Yesterday was crazy fun.
Clara blogged everything, so I'm not even going to bother.
She left at around...9:30?
I don't even remember, but I just fell back asleep and woke up at 12:30 o.o;
"I don't like to lose, I don't like to give up, but why is it that I am so good at doing what I don't like so much?"
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
I no longer know what is going on today. I was supposed to hang out with Quinn, then help out at the laundromat. But I don't think either is happening now. :/
Yea, that's not happening. :/
Rant time:
He really needs your help. Can't you just help him out without always constantly complaining. Please? He needs you, and you won't give him the help he needs. I understand your side of this, but he really does need you. Ughhhh.
I just wish he would sign online right now, he's the only one I know would actually talk to me.
*hugs* Sorry to hear about your cancelled plans. :(