What if you, could wish me away. What if you, spoke those words today. I wonder if you'd miss me, when I'm gone. I'ts come to this, release me; i'll leave before the dawn. But for tonight, I'll stay here with you. Yes, for tonight, I'll lay here with you. But when the sun hits your eyes through your window; they'll be nothing you can do. ♥

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Words from my father.

"So guess what, you just missed your religion exam, the school called and said they're probably not going to let you back in next year because of the way you're acting now.
You're officially a bum. All you do is sit here and you don't do anything, all you do is take and you don't give anything back. You're like a human vacuum.."

Why does every bad thing that could possibly happen, happen to me in three days?
It's like no one even understands how much I'm going through right now. How much I'm hurting right now.

In the past month or so I've lost my parents, my friends, someone special, and my cat (he was found, but whatever)

I'm a failure. I can't do anything right. I'm useless. Worthless. I'm not good enough for anything. There's no point for me anymore.

It seems like everyone hates me now. I know most people will say other wise, but if no one hates me, then why is no one talking to me anymore?
Okay, sure, a few people talk to me, but no one will hang out with me, even someone who's supposedly my best friend said even if we hang out, no one could know.
Is hanging out with me suddenly against the law or something?

I'm done. With everything.


  1. who the fuck said no one could know that you were hanging out?

    I apologize for not being a very good friend lately... everything's been so hectic, and I feel terrible about not seeing you or talking to you much, but we'll hang out tons in the summer. I hate not knowing what's going on. So I'm so sorry :(

    But I just want you to know that I haven't forgotten about you or anything, and I DO care about you... SO MUCH! I feel terrible about everything you're going through, and if you want to talk I'm here for you, just let me know <3


    "Okay, sure, a few people talk to me, but no one will hang out with me, even someone who's supposedly my best friend said even if we hang out, no one could know."
    What the fuck? That's a very lame person right there. Is it ASSHOLE? If it is - Gah. If it's not - still Gah. ><

    ... I will not make assumptions about anyone until I meet everyone. ^^;

    Also... Me + you + Shayla = This Friday? (yn):) We miss you. <3

    I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU <3<3<3<3<3<3

  4. You're definitely not worthless, and if you think that well.. I don't know what to say to that, but it's definitely not true.

    Someone special is definitely not lost, I'm being presumptious here but I'm guessing you were referring to me, and I will always be there for you. And if you weren't referring to me, well, I'll still be there anyways.

    As for what your dad said, he was definitely being mean in the way he worded it, that's for sure, but he's trying to show you he cares. The fact you're not going is upsetting him, *because* he cares about you, not because he doesn't. Not to re-iterate here, but you really should go to your exams Caroline. If it's too late, then I'm sorry for repeating that for no reason.

  5. Looooool Clara, it was not "Asshole" who isn't an asshole thank you very much (; <3
    And thank you Elizabeth, I love you too <3

    And thank you Eric...

  6. Actually pree' sho asshole is an asshole, just saying,

  7. Caroline,

    I'm not going to tell you I care for you- we're friends, that alone should tell you that I really am concerned when things aren't going well for you. We're definitely not the closest friends but that doesn't mean I don't consider you a really good one.

    But enough of that. I have a problem with this blog post. Throughout the whole post, all you do is beat yourself up over everything. You even seem to blame losing Regi on yourself. I mean, being sad is one thing and blogging about your sadness is another, but blaming all the sadness on yourself is not acceptable. You are not responsible for every bad thing that happens to you. However, in the case of missing your religion exam, that particular case is no one's fault but your own.

    You called yourself a failure. I don't agree in the sense you used it in. You failed in giving up before you tried on the exam. But even winners have to fail sometimes. It is completely normal to feel extremely depressed at times, but when you let depression affect your entire life, it becomes a really bad thing. I'm not here to call you a failure, because I sincerely feel that you are not one. I'm posting this (starting to become lengthy) comment to give you my support. I'm not going to tell you to act like nothing is wrong, because that's not the right thing to do if something is wrong. What I'm telling you to do is to not let your sadness get in the way of your life.

    What you need to do is to learn how to not blame everything bad that happens to you on yourself, because when you do that it does begin to appear that you are worthless. But you're not worthless, and clearly everyone else agrees with me because they can see these problems from a different perspective than your own.

    Gahh, I'll wrap this up I have to study for chemistry. Basically Caroline, I would like to see you be less harsh on yourself. I would also like to see you not give up so easily. You have a lot more potential than you give yourself credit for. Much can be said for a person that has to deal with a whole bunch of problems and can still push their way though life.

    I hope you see this comment for what it was meant to be. I'm not trying to make you even sadder than you are so please don't take it that way.

    Today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten :P

  8. kay, i'm gonna comment "llamas"
    and yeah
    everything above

    i got here a little late, everything has pretty much been said.

  9. Thank you so much Scott,
    That actually helped..alot o.o;
    And I appreciate everything you all have said.
    Especially you Natasha. x3
