What if you, could wish me away. What if you, spoke those words today. I wonder if you'd miss me, when I'm gone. I'ts come to this, release me; i'll leave before the dawn. But for tonight, I'll stay here with you. Yes, for tonight, I'll lay here with you. But when the sun hits your eyes through your window; they'll be nothing you can do. ♥

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Shayla is a fun person.

So yesterday, I left to go over to Shayla's house around 7, got there at 8 or so. And I got attacked by hugs and what not. then we just played Never Have I Ever, then stopped when Ivy got there. After, we started to watch Paranormal Activity, which to be quite honest, from the opinion of a girl who hates scary movies, wasn't even that scary. The ending was the only scary part, when the girl throws the guy at the camera and when she's all crazy and edluciykdekrgtt. Yea that's it.
After that movie, they decided, because they are so genius, that they would watch saw six. I got so mad! "Guys can we please not watch this?! I don't need nightmares. I will actually leave if you put that movie on! Atleast leave the light on! FUCK IVY LEAVE THE LIGHT ON! Can't we watch Cat In The Hat?!?!" x3
Saw doesn't make sense. Well appearntly it does, but it doesn't to me. There's too many people. So the guy is in this "game" and he constantly has to choose who to kill and who to save. But in the end it wasn't even his game in the first place? the lady at the very end has to decide to kill or save him. What. The. Fuck. And the beginning pissed me off, so the two people had to..sacrafice? their flesh by chopping off there arms and whatever, just to live. They ended up dying anyway. That was pointless.
Whatever, I can go on and on ranting about this movie. And it was very terrifying.
Since they are soo smart shayla says "okay we have to go for a walk now" It was midnight. O.o
But after the movie, we just sat around and they all listened to me vent my feelings about stuff. Then we played this "game" we took the yearbook and said mean stuff about every person xDD
Then we went to sleep and ivy and Shayla turned me into a cacoon.
But yea, so yesterday Was fun, even though i was forced to watch scary movies.
Now, I's at the laundromat waiting for Natasha to come over here.
Lalalalala. I'm soo bored.
I'm just waiting for Natasha now. I'll stop talking now.
Bye. :3

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Video ideas.

So as most of you know, I'm starting a new youtube channel, tis called SomethingWithLlamas. And i'm gonna start a vlog, haven't decided if it's gonna be a daily vlog, or if i shall do it a few times a week. But I need video ideas, cause i have none. :/
And I want to start it soon.

And also, I want to watch a movie, whats a really good movie?!

Also also, I have 3587874983058 scratched on my left leg from the evil thing I like to call my kitten, Redgie. He enjoys climbing up my leg just to sit on my lap while i'm on the computer. I freaking despise this cat. >_<

I'm going to Shayla's later whatwhatt *dances*

PS! I kinda just gave up on love and liking people and what not, a few of you may know why, but yea.

Oh joy, Redgie is now eating my leg. "OMNOMNOM LEGGG!" -Redgie

Who wants a kitten?

Thursday, February 25, 2010


So yesteray after school, me, Natasha, Paul, Clara, Shayla, Ivy, Yvonne, Charlie and Jacob decided to all play in the snow, twas super funn. :3
I can't remember all the stuff that happened yesterday that I wanted to write in here. D:
Paul is trying to get me to go to college in London, I love you and everything Paul, and twould be fun to live there with you and Clara and party together and what not, but I'm gonig to Sheridan. o.o <3

I really hope tomorrow is a snow day.

Just so everyone knows, Paul has a slight problem with making innuendo's. I told him I wanted to jump in front of a bus, and he made three innuendo's. Whatta loser.<3

I need someone to talk to.

A little rant from Caroline: Why the fucking hell would you tell her that? Are you REALLY that retarded? O.o One, that wasn't even your business at all. And I don't even know how you found that out, who would of told you? o.o fuck this, seriously, you're soo stupid. >_<

Kay i'm done....
I have nothing to do tomorrow, Alisha was "supposed" to come over, but of course she can't..*rolls eyes* >_<

tuhgvfkdemkngtjhbgrcfr Kaybyeee

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Snow is too cold.

Kay eff this >_<
I just wrote this whole blog post, and it didn't even work. I'll rewrite what I wrote tomorrow, but right now i'm too lazy. *extreme sigh* D:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I have a slinkie.

There's a kitty sitting on my lap.
Canada won the hockey game todayy wwhattt, twas intense,
Germany never had a chance..poor germany.
I missed my audition today...fucckk made me so sad D:
I wanted to talk to Paul after school/band/audition, but he just walked away from me, pree sure Paul hates me. T_T *sobs*
I really do not want to go to school tomorrow,
And I really want to talk to someone right now, but no one is online,
I'd text Paul, but he's apparently playing dungeons and dragons. x3
I feel like crying. D:

I hate the feeling when the person you like ignores you, and you can't do anything about it. Why does that happen to me so much? :C

Ughh, i have nothing else to say,
And I must take shower than sleep.
Kaynighttt. <3

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I hate singing...

So this practice is failing miseraby....
Ethans getting quite mad at me for not singing loud enough,
i's too shy.
Now I's singing.
Now Ethan is still getting mad because i'm still not sinmging loud enough.
Roar again...
OKAY! Getting back to practice...

I love soup o.o

So my friend Ethan is coming here in less than an hour so we can practice for coffee house. But I'm way too tired to do anything and my throat hurts too much to sing. D:
But I'm eating soup, and just waiting for his arrival.
This is the best soup ever. EVARRR!
Yesterday at Anime Night, I proved to Eric and Dom that I'm actually mean, scary and demanding O.o
Wasn't my fault though, I just wanted Chocolate milk!
This is how it went down:
Ryan was getting cholcolate milk.
Me: Can has some?
Ryan: You have to ask Aaron.
Me: Aaron! Can I have chocolate milk?
Aaron: yeeee
Me: Okay now Ryan get me chocolate milk.
Eric: O.O woaahhh I never heard Coralfish sound so demanding before
Me: Teheee ^_^

Then I yelled at Dom because he was laying on me.
Scaring people is funnnn ;D

I finished my soup. Now I'm tired. Do you think Ethan'll mind if I just go sleep now?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mmmm lemon chicken.

I didn't go to school today.
That's the third time in two weeks.
Sadly, I'm going to be forced to go tomorrow. D:
oh well, atleast I have Anime Night to look forward to..
I'm actually really excited for that, it's the only day I look forward to.
But, if Narcy is there, not like he would be, I might just kill myself. >_<
Then, on Saturday, I'm going to my friend Ethan's house so we can practice for the Coffee House. ^_^ <3

I've been so sick and depressed lately, there's seriously something wrong with me.
but that's the reason I didn't go to scool today, I was too depressed to handle anything.
Hopefully things change in the next few days, and I figure everything out, or my head will explode.
Like it might now, but that's because my mom has the televion on really loud, and I have a huge headache.

Who ever reads this before tomorrow, I need a hug. D:
So, can has?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Doritos are yummy tasting.

Today was a horrible day. :C
We had to stan for over two hours because of the mass, and i didn't want to sing anymore, I actually almost passed out. More boredom in all my classes. So lonely. :C
Then more choir after school.
The only good part about today is that Paul gave me a little mickey mouse thingy majiger <3

I think i'm gonna go take a nap, and after that nap, I shall make soup. :)
These blog posts are getting less interesting everyday,
I think that means that everyday I'm getting more depressed and lack motivation to write. Roar. D:

I think i might die soon, just sayin...

Ps. Being ignored by the person you like is so fun!~ *sarcasm*

~Caroline. :3

Monday, February 15, 2010

Wouldn't jumping off a building be fun?

Paul won't let me jump off of a building. Unfair!
I think Narcy should talk to me.
Who else agrees? D:

Kay i'm just bored and have nothing to talk about.
I don't wanna go to school tomorrow...

Whatta lame post.

Well, bye LOL

~Caroline. :3

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's day....

Pffft, whatta stupid day >_<
Can't you tell people you love them on every other day? You don't need a specific day. ROARCHEEZBURGERS!
Anyway, Happy Valentine's day to the people who have someone special, and the one's who don't, I feel your pain, and I love you guys :)
Who ever doesn't have a Valentine, I will so kindly fill that spot for you, if you wish. ^_^ <3
And Happy Birthday to Paul! :D

So thanks alot Clara...-.- she got me obsessed with cinnamon hearts, now I can't stop eating them. Meow. <3

AHEM! A message to a certain someone named Narcy: TALK TO MEE YOU MEANYFACE! >:O
Complete ignorance, and I didn't do anything to him. :C
I'm so hated. T_T

Whatever. D:

ANyway, Bye D:
~Caroline. :3

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dish soap.

So, I'm completely bored and I have nothing to do.
I'm really hungry...what should I eat? Hmmmm :/
Today is my friend Garvin's birthday. He's asian. (Y)
Tomorrow is Valentines Day. *sigh*
But also Paul's birthday. :3
I should make cupcakes for him tomorrow. ;D
And monday is family day, and also my...friend? Aria's birthday. :)
So my gooooddd friend DJ Porter from the band Fall Of Spring, is going to be on Imagefm.ca on monday february 15th. It's a radio/chat thingy. Check it yooo!

Ughhh, I slept all weird last night so my neck is messed up. Gosh it hurts. :C
*danceydancey* Paul comes back tomorrow. ;D
I'll finally have someone to talk to againn!

I'm still really hungry....
Anyway, so my friend Aaron was helping me out yesterday and telling me stuff you need to get into Sheridan college for the photography program. I just need to pass english next year with a 70 or something, then work on my portfolio. Aaron is gonna let me look at his portfolio just to see how it's supposed to be. :)<3
And for that I thank himm. And hope he gets into sheridan for photography! (yn)
yayayayayay :D

Kayso, i'm gonna go get some food, talk to yall later. :3

~Caroline. :3

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ohh a kleenex box..

Time to write about things that have happened lately~
I stayed home today because I wasn't feeling all that well, slept pretty much all day, which was nice :3
I realized that my kitten Redgie, is infact getting quite fat. mhmm *nods*
My goodgood friend Paul, whom I still need to create a nickname for is in Florida right now having loads of fun doing DisneyWorld things.(without me, might a add)
It's gonna be a very lonely five more days with out him, I have no one to talk to now D:
I stayed up until two AM last night talking to my good friend Joe, he needed someone to vent to about his problems, so I stayed up and talked to him, and shared a few of my life problems with him.
I promised him I'd go to his play in April, it's in binbrook...so I have to figure out how i'm gonna get there :/ hmmmm.
My mother brought home this incredibly creepy doll. She named her Aubrey. I want to destroy it.

Anyway, I have nothing else to say, so byebye


~~Caroline :3

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The death of Raymond.

So about six months ago, I got a fish, he is red and his name is Mr. Wiggles. Since my sister is a major copier pants, she got a fish three weeks ago, his name is Raymond. And this morning, he died.
The funny part is, I barely ever feed Mr. Wiggles, and i've only cleaned his fish tank once since I got him. Which is why I'm completely surprised he is still alive.
But Hannah, my sister, took great care of him. But he's gone now.
I laughed so hard this morning. "Caroline! Go look at Raymond, I think he died!" "He's probably just sleeping...oh nevermind, he's dead"

Friday, February 5, 2010

Natasha ish coolio ;]

So i'm sitting here listening to music, talking to Natashy pie on the phone. She's soooooo amazing. At one point we were both talking to Paulie, I was talking to him over facebook chat, and she was texting him, what he didn't know was that everything he said we told eachother, which was really funny. x3
Now it's 12:20 am and i'm seranating her. :3
She will read this eventually, so....Natasha....you complete my heart, ever so much. you make me crave bagels that wear sombrero's and make me want to dance the helicopter...i just invented it. I'll show you sometimr.
Paul is a swick person; my bestest friend evaarrrr. <3
Me, Natasha and Paulie all have a connection...of Doctor Who. Even though I only watched one episode ^^;
Kay that's all.
Theys the best :3 <3


~Carolineee. <3

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


For the past few days, I've been obsessed with surfthechannel.com, I quite enjoy searching and watching random movies.
Yesterday and today, I've been watching the seventh season of One Tree Hill. Damn it's amazing.
So tonight, me and my sister, Hannah, were watching one episode together and she said I would cry. Because she cheated and watched all the episodes before me. Turns out I didn't cry, she's just retarded. But then she had to bring up this one time, I was watching One Tree Hill, and cried like a baby over one episode, I can't even remember what it was. :C
And I just realized I suck at coming up with ideas for blog posts...
I'm a horrible blogger person T_T

Anyway, second semester starts tomorrow. Kinda nervous, all my classes are kinda hard. :C I don't think I have any classes with any of my friends, which is extremely upsetting. Which means I'm gonna be the quite loner girl whom sits at the back of the room. Yay!

I'm learning more about photography. :3
I always loved photography, and wanted to get into it, but I was always too lazy to even try. Soon it's my birthday, so my dad said for my birthday I could get a new camera. Which I am extremely excited about. Yayyy!
Then, I'm going to start taking pictures and have my own facebook group called "Caroline's photography" or something retarded like that x3

Kay anyway, I need to go take a quick shower then get to bed for school tomorrow -.-


~Carolinee. <3