There's a kitty sitting on my lap.
Canada won the hockey game todayy wwhattt, twas intense,
Germany never had a chance..poor germany.
I missed my audition today...fucckk made me so sad D:
I wanted to talk to Paul after school/band/audition, but he just walked away from me, pree sure Paul hates me. T_T *sobs*
I really do not want to go to school tomorrow,
And I really want to talk to someone right now, but no one is online,
I'd text Paul, but he's apparently playing dungeons and dragons. x3
I feel like crying. D:
I hate the feeling when the person you like ignores you, and you can't do anything about it. Why does that happen to me so much? :C
Ughh, i have nothing else to say,
And I must take shower than sleep.
Kaynighttt. <3
Paul was talking to his cousin after band, and Dungeons and Dragons needed his full attention. He doesn't hate you, he's just scatterbrained.