What if you, could wish me away. What if you, spoke those words today. I wonder if you'd miss me, when I'm gone. I'ts come to this, release me; i'll leave before the dawn. But for tonight, I'll stay here with you. Yes, for tonight, I'll lay here with you. But when the sun hits your eyes through your window; they'll be nothing you can do. ♥

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lalala x3

Today was good.
And at the moment, I am wearing as much purple as I possibly can. :3
I'm glad I saw people today wearing purple, it actually made me happy.
Now for my view points on all this:

I personally think this whole thing is horrible. People are horrible. For basically bullying others for being themselves. Just because they are gay, does not give you a right to bully them. People can do what they want. And you can't change that. And for bullying others because you don't agree with their sexuality, is just not right.
It saddens me so that all these people have been committing suicide because people are stupid enough to bully others, and make fun of them for who they are. It's stupid. I hate people.

Anyway, :/
I tried my best to have a good day,
I saw and talked to James like 54678 times today, which was good. He's a nice person.
While we were talking at his locker, we were talking about the Gumby in his locker, and how I didn't know what Gumby was, and it scared me. After I walked away and he ventured off to physics(pretty sure it was physics x3) I saw Shayla and she smiled really creepily at me, it was rather terrifying. x3
What else?...
I bought a cheeseburger at lunch today. It was soo delicious.
During musical theatre we just sat around, while I was figuring out hairstyles for people. (y)
After class, I ran away to Clara's locker to "find a pen" while I was walking up the stairs, I saw James, and he was like "Hey Caroline! how are you?" And I was like "I'm alright" and he's like "Are you taking the bus?" And I was like "No. I's going to choir. D:" "then he was like "Oh okay, well I'll talk to you later, peace!" Then I walked up the rest of the stairs, turned around and went back to the auditorium, then told Clara I couldn't find a pen.
During lunch I started crying because all this school stuff is depressing me. As in, I won't be graduating on time, I'm behind in soo many credits, I just feel like such a failure. D:

Okay so that basically made no sense, I guess only Clara would fully understand it o.o;
I have to go to the laundromat now for a bit, then I'm going to FabricLand :3
I'm drinking a Monster erhkrhjgtrfjkgt


  1. Enjoy your monster.
    Sorry you couldn't find a pen. I hope you find one next time (yn):P

    Remember what I told you today in class... Dont be sad. I love you. D:

  2. I was with you too but you didn't mention me! D':

    How could you forget our talk about becoming prostitutes?!
