What if you, could wish me away. What if you, spoke those words today. I wonder if you'd miss me, when I'm gone. I'ts come to this, release me; i'll leave before the dawn. But for tonight, I'll stay here with you. Yes, for tonight, I'll lay here with you. But when the sun hits your eyes through your window; they'll be nothing you can do. ♥

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mine and Spencer's adventures!

So after school and choir and stuff, I had to go to Fabricland, and Spencer agreed to go with me. ;D
We met at Tim Horton's, I bought French Vanilla, which made me extremely hyper.
We were walking down Ottawa street and we were singing and screaming, and what ever else.
We got to Fabricland, and roamed around, Alisha picked and cut a few fabrics for my Poison Ivy costume. :3
Then we looked around while Alisha was helping other people.
We decided we're gonna make a dress and suit out of zebra print fabric and wear it to prom xDD
Alisha was way too busy so we decided to just leave.
We walked down Ottawa, then ended up going to 711 cause Spencer was thirsty.
We bought a two litre bottle of orange pop, and were drinking it while walking down the street, then we basically had a burping contest. Except I couldn't burp. I drank like half the bottle. Then twenty minutes later, I finally burped, and the crazy kids we are, we like screamed and cheered x33
And then I couldn't stop. :C
He wanted McDonald's so we walked all the way to McDonald's, but decided to go to Pizza Pizza instead.
Spencer was sitting beside my new boyfriend the whole time, which was this guy who was smiling like this: 8D to a slice of pizza, on the side of a vending machine.
It was way too funny.
We took multiple pictures, that turned out fantastically. :3
On the way back, we found a box, and kicked it for about three blocks? It was sort of like a contest, to see who could destroy it first. I WON 8D
That's basically it. We said a lot of funny things. x3
and yeah...
Oh yeah, not only did I get a new boyfriend, but I had a baby, it wasn't a bottle of orange pop or anything. x3
Omfg so funny.
I love having these kinds of adventures with people, WHOEVER READS THIS, LET'S HAVE SOME KAY?!@?!?!?! 8DDDDDDDDD ♥

Is it just me, or does James and Davedays look/sound/act extremely similar? I'm starting to think they're twins. o.o;
They have like, the exact same eyes. They're eye twins! :O
Kay that sounded stupid, but seriously, they are twins.
Looool I can't stop watching his videos now. ;3 he's so cute x3 watch this. ;DDD


  1. Yes, davedays :3
    And yes, crazy adventures w/me! ;D <3

  2. can't wait to make your costume lol :P

    thanks for visiting.. those freaking pakistani women were in there for a WHOLE NOTHER HOUR D:

    they pissed me off.. but atleast they smelled like nice spicy food :P

    visit again soon <3
