What if you, could wish me away. What if you, spoke those words today. I wonder if you'd miss me, when I'm gone. I'ts come to this, release me; i'll leave before the dawn. But for tonight, I'll stay here with you. Yes, for tonight, I'll lay here with you. But when the sun hits your eyes through your window; they'll be nothing you can do. ♥

Saturday, August 7, 2010


So, I deactivated my facebook for various reasons. But just go on Sadie's fb just to check certain things. I decided to message a certain "him" just to get answers. closure, basically. I asked if I could just ask a simple question, so I did, all I wanted to know is why he hates me, and why he unfriended me, but i pretty much just wanted the truth, which i told him. But, instead of making things better like I had hoped, I somehow made everything worse. And he hates me even more. Apparently, he doesn't like me all that much, cause my first impression to him, was completely horrible, because of certain things that happened. He also hates me cause I annoy him, and bother him immensely, even though he didn't say it in those words, but still. But he said, and I quote "Just leave me alone please let me be? Bye forever."
I was really hoping he'd understand how I felt, I tried my best to explain things carefully to him. But I made everything worse. I don't get it.
I know I come on too strong, and act like an obsessive crazy girl. But I don't know...
I don't know why I wrote all this here and not my diary blog, but whatever.
Maybe for once I should stop talking to people, when I know I should give them space and give it time. Cause it really does make things worse. But I really need to get my point across. It's important that I do, and that I make everything clear. I'm not as much of a horrible person then he thinks I am.

1 comment:

  1. Space and time really do work, but they suck. A lot. And not the good kind of suck, either. D:
